Health, Supplement and Critical Care Insurance

Health, Supplement and Critical Care Insurance

Health Insurance
If you’re a small business owner or an individual who is responsible for your own health insurance, you know how hard it can be to find coverage that fits your needs and budget. Fortunately, TBGFSC is there to help make that task a whole lot easier. With TBGFSC, you have access to a number of different health coverage options from a variety of leading companies. We carefully review and work with the carriers to help ensure that the products we offer meet the health coverage needs of middle-income households.

We offer a wide range of health coverage solutions – including traditional PPO plans, catastrophic coverage plans, and more. You can also add supplemental coverage, like dental and vision, to your plan. We understand that people have different health coverage needs.

You can build a plan that has the features and benefits you want, at a price that fits your budget. TBGFSC can guide you to the type of health insurance that works best for you. We can even work to customize your coverage and premium amounts based on your own specific circumstances. After all, why pay for health insurance benefits you won’t use? Talk to us today and learn more about health insurance solutions.

Supplemental Insurance
At TBGFSC, we understand that there are times when you may need cash to pay expenses that traditional health insurance doesn’t cover. That’s why we can offer you access to a range of supplemental products, many of which provide payment directly to the policyholder, you!
You can choose how to use this money based on you and your family’s needs. It can be used to help pay forout-of-pocket expenses such as medical insurance deductibles and co-payments, child care, rent or mortgage payments and most importantly, your loss of’s totally up to you.
Our portfolio includes a wide range of supplemental products from national carriers to help you when the unexpected happens.

Critical Illness Insurance
No one can be sure when a critical illness might strike. If it happens there are many challenges that must be met. To prepare for uncertainty, TBGFSC offers Critical Illness Plans.

Our flexible plans allow you to choose the right amount of coverage for your needs and your budget. With coverage options from $20,000 to $60,000, you can choose the benefit that fits your lifestyle and budget. A lump-sum payment helps you manage your finances when critical illness results in expenses you do not expect — deductibles, co-payments, experimental drugs, transportation and lodging, and even home modifications.

Should you be caught off guard by an unexpected illness, this plan supplements your medical coverage, providing you with a direct-to-you benefit that extends your protection.

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